Everything You Need to Know About the BJJ Journey: From White Belt to Black Belt and Beyond
The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) ranking system is a defining characteristic of the martial art, deeply rooted in skill progression and unwavering dedication. Belts act as not only symbols but also visual markers that represent an individual's journey and continuous growth within the discipline of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, practitioners advance through five primary belt ranks: white, blue, purple, brown, and black. Each of these belts signifies a distinct stage in a practitioner's development, complete with its own unique challenges and accomplishments.
For those below the rank of black belt, individuals can earn up to four degrees or stripes as they refine their skills, accumulate experience, and demonstrate their commitment to training. At the black belt level, practitioners can attain six further degrees, which recognize advanced mastery and significant contributions to the art. Beyond the black belt, three esteemed ranks exist: the 7th degree, 8th degree, and the prestigious 10th degree red belt. This ultimate honor is reserved exclusively for the pioneers who shaped Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Embarking on the journey from white belt to black belt—and extending beyond—encompasses both personal growth and technical refinement in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Each milestone achieved in the ranking framework narrates a story filled with perseverance, discipline, and a profound passion for the art.
The IBJJF Adult Belt System
BeltMinimum Age to Receive BeltMinimum Time Required at This Belt
White belt
Blue belt
16 years2 years
Purple belt
16 years1.5 years
Brown belt
18 years1 year
Black belt
19 years31 years
Red and black belt (7th degree black belt)
50 years7 years
Red and white belt (8th degree black belt)
57 years10 years
Red belt (9th and 10th degree black belt)
67 years
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Positions You Must Master
Essential Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Terms for Grapplers to Master